Ayurvedic Treatment Of Fistula In Ano The lifestyle we follow has a great impact on our health. With advancement in…
10 Most Popular Therapies in Ayurveda Ayurveda therapies we provide can be broadly categorized into sodhana (purification) and shamana (pacification)…
15 FAQ about Panchakarma cleansing therapy In this article, we cover the different questions about Panchakarma cleansing therapy in Ayurveda…
Prevention of coronavirus In Ayurvedic Ways In Charaka Samhita, worldwide epidemics are called as Janapadodhwamsa Vyadhi. During this period, the…
15 FAQs of Ayurveda 1. What is Ayurveda Practice? Ayurveda is a composite word formed by two Sanskrit terms “Ayus”…
Kashaya Dhara Kashaya Dhara is a unique sedation therapy practiced in Ayurveda. ‘Kashaya’ implies for decoction and Dhara implies for…
Mukha Lepam Ayurveda is the holistic practice of medicine that aims for overall health. Skin care too, has been looked…
List of 10 diseases where Ayurveda works better than modern medicine(Allopathy) Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal practice that dates back…
Hydrotherapy - Introduction Hydrotherapy (also known as hydropathy) is an alternative part of naturopathy medicine that involves the use of water…
Spine – A general introduction Ayurveda is an ancient medical practice prevailing nearly for three thousand years. Since the dawn…