
Yoga Asanas for Winter Imbalance

Experience Warming Yoga Poses For Winter Many people suffer from colds and flu in the winter season, so yoga asanas that open…

6 years ago

Actionable Ways to Overcome Morning Fatigue with Yoga

Do you feel energy-less, tired or fatigue early in the morning? No worries. Not only you, but many people also…

6 years ago

Brain Waves

Every matter in the universe has its own vibrations. Similarly, all the parts of the body has also vibration. Each…

6 years ago

Secrets Of Lifestyle Management

12 Formulas For Lifestyle Management Which Leads You Towards Healthy, Happy and Harmonious Life The secrets of lifestyle management have become a vital part of life…

6 years ago

How to Activate Chakra

How to Activate the Muladhar (root) Chakra This chakra is founded on being physically mindful and comfort feelings in various situations. You…

6 years ago

Seven Chakras in Human Body

Seven chakras in Human body are Seven Energy center in Human Body Human beings have various energy centers in the…

6 years ago

An Ayurvedic Approach to Chakra Healing

The recent advances made in Kirlian photography by the like of Dr. Konstantin Korotkov provide a huge sigh of relief…

6 years ago

Dincharya: The Yogic Lifestyle

Dincharya or the daily lifestyle is a unique modality that has been prescribed in the textbooks of Ayurveda. It traverses…

6 years ago

Oral Hygiene in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is not only a treatment system but it also advocates the preventative aspects of health. Its major aim is…

6 years ago

Essential Oils: Adding Essence to Life

Essential oils are basically a form of lipids which contains volatile aroma constituents found in plants. They go by various…

6 years ago