
Swarna Prasana: Ayurvedic Approach to Immunization

Sushruta and Vagvata have given us hints that immunology was prevalent in the ancient day and age. These Ayurveda experts…

6 years ago

Ayurvadic Fruits According to Prakriti

In this article we will discuss about Ayurvadic fruits according to prakriti. During the characterization of different foods and their…

6 years ago

Dharaniya Vega: Urges to be Controlled

Certain habits urge, emotions, thoughts have to be retained and controlled while certain other types habits or should never be…

6 years ago

Popular Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda known in modern times for herbalist approaches and holistic diagnosis and treatment, in its ancient textbooks has described tens…

6 years ago

Triphala an Ayurvedic Formulation of Three Fruits

Triphala is a classical Ayurvedic formulation which uses fruits of three plants – Amlaki (Indian gooseberry, Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Chebulic…

6 years ago

Five Bodies:Physical, Energetic, Mental, Emotional and Blissful body

The yogic anatomist in their classical hay days described and classified the body into the five grosser to subtlest levels.…

6 years ago

Massage Definition

About Massage Massage is the systematic manipulation of the body for the purposes of relaxation, or therapy. Different cultures tend…

6 years ago

Disease Progression: Six Stage of Pathogenesis

Ayurveda describes health as a fine blend of Dosha, Dhatu (tissue) and Mala (wastes) along with the blissful state of…

6 years ago

Dietary Recommendation as Per Prakriti

In this article we are giving the Ayurvedic Dietary Recommendation ( Vegetable recommendation) as per vata, pitta & Kapha .…

6 years ago

The Dosha Clock

The Dosha Clock – In the Morning and Day Ayurveda in its axioms of Dincharya (daily lifestyle) provides an insight…

6 years ago