Ayurvedic Beauty Care Training

Ayurvedic Beauty Care Training

[Cost in shared room: 1200 USD and Cost in Private room: 1400 USD, Training Start Date: 1st and 15th of every month]

Nepal Ayurveda Home tailored Ayurvedic beauty care training course which includes Theoretical & practical approach of Ayurveda to preserve the natural skin, hair and whole body.

Classical Ayurveda has described immeasurable ways of staying young and the best thing about this youthfulness science is its herbal base and immeasurably natural approach to beauty and youthfulness. Many of the skin care products that had been described in Ayurveda has now caught on to the mainstream – aloe vera, shampoos etc. are not a product of mass marketing but in actuality trace their roots back to the ancient science of Ayurveda. Did you know that the English word Shampoo comes from the Hindi word “Campo”? What was known back them has been refined more at Nepal Ayurveda Home by our extensive and detail analysis of ancient Ayurvedic books and choosing some of the best herbs to provide the optimal skin care.

In this Ayurvedic beauty care training, you will learn the basis of Ayurvedic facial, face pack, shampoos, oiling, hair care, teeth care, and eye care from the Ayurvedic beauty therapist. One of the common misconceptions about Ayurveda is that it has to do with esoteric herbs and herbs available only in the Indian subcontinent; however, at Nepal Ayurveda Home, we are finding amazing results with local ingredients available anywhere in the world. This is made possible by a detail read on every Ayurvedic literature and finding the herbs that work best for the skin. At Nepal Ayurveda Home you get to consult an Ayurvedic doctor, find your body type and the use of specific emollients based on the skin type of the client. Also, the doctor will guide you through making sense of specific therapy provided at Nepal Ayurveda Home. In the limited span of time, you get to experience and perfect the art of ancient approach to skin care.

Highlights of Ayurvedic Beauty Care Training

  • Ayurveda classes, Doctor Consultation, and Prakriti determination
  • Daily Ayurvedic beauty classes
  • Ayurvedic facial according to various skin types
  • Head, neck, and face massage training
  • Udvartana/ Ubatan (body pack) and Udgharsana (face and body scrub) formulas
  • Herbal face mask formulas
  • Herbal shampoo formulas
  • Esoteric Ayurvedic mouth, eyes, hair, and sinuses care training
  • Ayurvedic herbalism
  • Homestay, vegetarian and vegan meals cooked according to your Ayurvedic body type
  • Daily yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions
  • Handouts, notes, and tips for optimal understanding of lessons

Training Curriculum of Ayurvedic Beauty Care Training

Nepal Ayurveda Home a unique experience for beauticians, clients, and visitors. Here with our two weeks of beauty care training, you get to enjoy the same experience and share with others as well. In these couple of weeks, you will learn ways for rejuvenating your skin and getting that glow you always deserved.

  • Ayurveda classes

Get an authentic lecture from an Ayurvedic Doctor – know the back and front of Ayurveda. Also, learn about Rasayana – the herbs for rejuvenation and maintaining the youthfulness. Also, learn how different diets impact your skin health and how you can get the optimal skin care with optimizing your diet. Follow the teachings of Ayurvedic doctor through the determining the body type and applying this knowledge in use of various emollients, optimum diet for best skin care and Rasayana. You also get to learn about various herbs, methods of their recognition and usage for specific purposes.

  • Various Ayurvedic facials

You will Know the formulas for various Ayurvedic facials during Ayurvedic Beauty Care Training. These formulas are simple, can be made at home, and yet are very effective when specific herbs are combined in specific proportions. Learn the formula for making these facials and face packs for dry skin or oily skin or sensitive skin or fairly any other type of skin you can think of.

  • Head, neck, and face massage training

Here at Nepal Ayurveda Home, we believe that no facial care is complete facial care without the face, head and neck massage preceding the skin therapy. Here at Nepal Ayurveda Home, you learn the best way to get the lymphatic draining and getting rid of all the tension stored up in the every line creases of the face. Each line crease has a story to tell and we at Nepal Ayurveda Home hear the sad story of each line crease and also teach the methods to put an end to it.

  • Udvartana/ Ubatana and Udgharsana

Ayurveda has described various pastes that can be applied to the body and the face. These are collectively known as udvartana or ubatana. Nepal Ayurveda Home offers the best and optimal training for getting these prepared with locally available resources and using these pastes to get the beach body ready. Imagine getting the training of getting a beach body ready close to the Himalayas. Udgharsana is the exfoliating scrubs that were described in Ayurveda. The best thing about this Ayurvedic scrub is that it can be prepared with resources available at your home. Learn the way to get rid of the pesky blemishes at the comfort of your home exclusively at Nepal Ayurveda Home.

  • Oiling for optimal hair care and herbal shampoos

Determining your body type also provides the opportunity in knowing the choice of emollients that is best for your hair. A traditional scalp massage is known as “Champi” is then done to seep all the natural ingredients of the oil into the roots of the hair. This is then followed by shampooing of the hair. Traditional herbs like Sapindus and acacia are used to strengthen, rejuvenate and thicken the hair. Nepal Ayurveda Home believes in the traditional teachings of Ayurveda and we are focused on teaching this ancient knowledge to the welfare of human society.

  • Esoteric Ayurvedic mouth, eyes, hair, and sinuses care training

Ayurveda also has described Netra vasti and regular eyewash for optimal care of the eye. Practices like oil pulling, tongue scraping, and tooth cleansing have been described for proper care of teeth and mouth. Infusing oil through the nose has been described for sinuses, wrinkles, and hair care. These Ayurvedic therapy which was practiced for centuries on end are recently gaining traction in the Western part of our world in practices like Neti and oil pulling. However, these practices are not done in proper settings and as such might prove to be more harming than healing. At Nepal Ayurveda Home we teach you the proper approach to these practices to get substantial benefits.

At Nepal Ayurveda Home you not only get the ways around Ayurvedic beauty care but also a place where you can receive the most care, lovingness, and attention to details. Our doctors, staffs, and trainers ensure that what you receive is class apart and is of the highest standards.