Every matter in the universe has its own vibrations. Similarly, all the parts of the body has also vibration. Each part of body vibrates in its own rhythm. The brain has a unique set of waves which is known as brain waves. There is communication of neurons within the brain at the root level of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This communication synchronizes electrical pulses from the mass of neurons, which creates Brain Waves.

The brainwave profile is inseparable from our worldly activities and experiences. As and when brainwaves get imbalanced, there and then related psychological problems appear.  When we have sleep problems, anxiety disorder, nightmares, impulsive behavior, hyper-vigilance, chronic nerve pain, hypertension, annoyed depression then there is over-arousal of the brainwave.

When there is normal depression, insomnia, intense pain, attention paucity, etc then there is under arousal of brain waves. Sometimes there is instability of brain waves due to unrelenting-compulsive disorder, bruxism, panic attacks, uncontrolled anger, bipolar disorder, fulminating behavior, offensive behavior, migraine, narcolepsy, falling sickness, Hysteria, breath problem during sleep, giddiness, loss of appetite,  tinnitus, diabetes, premenstrual tension, low level of blood glucose, etc.

The neuroscience has explained five types of brainwave frequencies, termed as Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. These brain waves can be detected using sensors placed on the skull. Brain waves are divided into bandwidths which describe their functions. The brain waves change according to our activities and feelings.

When we feel tired slower brain waves are dominant, sluggish or drowsy. When we are active or hyper-alert then higher frequencies of brainwave gets dominant. The measurement unit of speed of Brain waves is Hertz (which means cycles per second). It is divided into different bands on the basis of slow curving wave, moderate curving wave and fast curving wave.

Infra-Low Wave (<0.5HZ) → Delta (0.5 to 3 HZ) → Theta (3 to 8 HZ) → Alpha Wave (8-12 HZ) → Beta (12-38 Hz) → Gamma (38-42 HZ)

Infra-Low (<0.5HZ)

 Infra-Low Brainwave is the slowest wave. This brainwave is also known as Slow Cortical Potentials. Due to their slow nature, very little facts are known about it. Also, it has been difficult to find the accurate measurement. Infra-low brainwave is guessed to be the basic cortical rhythms. For the purpose of brain timing and network function, this wave takes a fundamental role.

Delta (0.5 to 3 HZ)

It is the slowest wave after Infra-Low waves. Delta brainwave is in the deep and dreamless and sleep; also in the deepest meditation. Delta level is the source of parapsychology where external awareness is ceased. Delta is the territory of unconscious mind, gateway to universal mind, and the collector of such information which are impossible for the conscious mind. Healing and regeneration process is possible at Delta level. So, deep sleep and meditation are considered to be very important.

It is the slowest wave after Infra-Low waves. Delta brain waves is in the deep and dreamless and sleep; also in the deepest meditation. Delta level is the source of parapsychology where external awareness is ceased. Delta is the territory of unconscious mind, gateway to universal mind, and the collector of such information which are impossible for the conscious mind. Healing and regeneration process is possible at Delta level. So, deep sleep and meditation are considered to be very important.

Theta (3 to 8 HZ)

Theta brain waves are often produced during deep meditation and normal sleep. Theta, the realm of subconscious mind, is said to be twilight state as it only momentarily appears as you shift to sleep (from alpha) and arise from a deep sleep ( from the delta). Silence is the voice of Theta.

Alpha Wave (8-12 HZ)

Alpha brain waves are active during deep relaxation with closed eyes, daydreaming, quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Whatever is programmed in this state comes to be successful. Alpha waves increase memory, learning, visualization, imagination, and concentration. Alpha, which lies at the center of conscious awareness and subconscious mind, speaks in the form of intuition.  

Beta (12-38 Hz)

Beta brainwave has a connection with the normal walking state of consciousness. This wave gets dominant when we keenly focus on cognitive task like logic, critical reasoning, problem-solving, judgment, and alertness. Beta is fast activity and important in our daily task. During stress, anxiety and restlessness higher level of beta is translated.

Beta brainwave is divided into three bands: Lo-beta (Beta 1, 12-15Hz during idle fast or musing), Beta (Beta 2, 15-22Hz during high engagement or activity), Hi-Beta (Beta 3, 22-38Hz involving new experiment, intricate thoughts, high excitement or anxiety). It takes a high amount of energy to produce the Beta wave, so continuous high-frequency processing is not good for health.  

Gamma (38-42 HZ)

Gamma brain waves are the most speed waves with the highest frequencies (like that of flute) and smallest amplitude of neural oscillation in human. Gamma wave is present when the different brain areas simultaneously process the information. The transference of information by Gamma wave is in a slow and quiet mood.

Researchers have found that it is connected with ‘feeling of blessing’; and highly active at the state of greater virtues like universal love, philanthropy, etc. The higher presence of gamma is found during extended consciousness and spiritual rise. Less amount of Gamma wave activity is connected with learning difficulties, memory problem, inebriated mental functioning. High Gamma activity leads a person to peak achievements.

Great personalities, high achievers, elite athletes, top-notch musician etc are found to have produced excessive Gamma Brainwaves than average. It is believed that meditation, focusing on compassion, love etc increases the level of Gamma activity. However, some person like an elite athlete has a natural state of consciousness for excessive Gamma production.

Sometimes, people get confused with Gamma Rays and Gamma Brain Waves. They are different to each other. In the electromagnetic expansion, gamma rays are the strongest waves. It is normally produced on earth, nuclear explosions, and lightning. There is only one similarity between Gamma Rays and Gamma Brain Waves i.e. their frequency is excessively fast with small amplitude.

Changing and balancing the brain waves

There are some methods to alter the brain waves. Whatever the process that changes the perception changes the brain waves. For example, there is a type of brain wave during your happiness; suddenly you will hear a bad news. Now your mentality changes which results in changing the brainwave.

Chemicals, drugs, medicine or recreational drugs have been common to change the brain function. In the East, meditation, as well as other different spiritual and yogic practices, has been a medium to alter the brainwave (altering the thoughts and perception of mind).

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