Categories: Ayurveda

Kundalini Practice For Heart Chakra

Kundalini Practice For Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located near the heart in the chest region of the body. The chakra and the energy it releases are associated with kindness, connection, and relationships. This is the huge intersection point of energy and various methods and procedures are utilized to harness the power provided by this energy. Kundalini practice for heart chakra is one of the techniques used to harness this power as well as to give a definite direction to this power.

Chakra warmup Yoga asanas of kundalini practice for heart chakra

Chakra centers need to be warmed up before practicing the yoga postures. Going immediately to the hardcore charka exercise can hamper the energy flow of the chakra center. First, the chakra centers need to be gently awakened, and then lightly the energy at the chakra core is utilized. For warmup kundalini practice for heart chakra, one can do simple poses and postures. A few minutes of it will do the trick and one can proceed further. Cobra pose, sphinx pose, and other simple poses can be done to warm up their heart chakra.

Chakra warm-up and cleansing pranayama of kundalini practice for heart chakra

The air element is most prominent around the chest region as it is also the location of the lungs. Lungs are the major site of action of air as well as the organ that takes air as prana Vayu and transfers it to all the body parts. Due to the presence of this air powerhouse near the heart chakra pranayama can significantly affect as well as enhance the heart chakra. There are various pranayama for heart chakra and one of the most effective is the Bhramuri which is also known as the humming bee’s breath.

Beej Mantra Chanting of kundalini practice for heart chakra

Mantras are ancient Sanskrit sounds that are believed to have immense power in them, and some believe them to be magical. It harnesses the power of sound which is one of the most prominent forms of energy in the known universe. Every chakra center in our body has its unique energy, which when chanted affects the chakra positively. YAM is the Beej Mantra of the kundalini practice for heart chakra. When this mantra is chanted the heart chakra becomes balanced if it was unbalanced and if already balanced it will increase its efficiency.

Chakra strengthening of the kundalini practice for heart chakra

Heart chakra needs to be strong for an individual to be strong-willed. A weak heart chakra results in low self-esteem, confidence, and connection with others while a strong heart chakra is the symbol of courage. Various poses can be used to make heart chakra strong, and they are,

Nataraja pose

This pose is also called the dancer pose and is named the dancing form of Lord Shiva. The duration to hold this pose is 30-40 seconds and is one of the advanced forms of yoga posture. This pose is very effective in balancing as well as strengthening the chakra that is located near the heart.

Camel pose

Camel pose is said to directly link to the heart chakra. In this pose, one stands with their knees and bends backward to grab the ankle by the hands of the same side. This pose is also one of the advanced yoga poses and needs a good amount of flexibility in the body to do it right. This pose when done helps to pass energy through the heart chakra very effectively. This posture makes the heart more caring and compassionate.

Eagle pose

The eagle pose of kundalini practice for heart chakra is also known as the Garud pose. What happens in this pose is that one leg is coiled with another leg and the same coiling is done with the hands. This pose is related to more than one chakra and can help to strengthen more than one chakra at once which is the biggest benefit of the eagle pose. This pose opens the heart chakra such that the individual will become more caring and compassionate.

Chakra meditation of kundalini practice for heart chakra

Meditation is one of the key elements of yoga in every form. No matter the form or technique harnessing the power of meditation is compulsory in all of them. Meditation can be used as the opening or the closing method of yogic practices. Kundalini yoga sequences can be done or if the individual has refined their yogic capacities, then they can do them in a repeated manner.

After completing the sequences, they need to stop and take a rest in the form of meditation. While practicing the yoga postures the individual has their heart chakra highly active and after finishing the sequence, they gently need to calm the energized heart chakra and a few minutes of meditation can do it. Also, during the closing process, they can perform gentle yoga postures.


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