Thai Acu Massage

Thai Acu Massage in Nepal

Now this is where you are going to experience the application of ancient knowledge of body relaxation from three different countries – Yoga postures from India, Acupressure points of traditional Chinese medicine and Thai art of massage- Thai Acu Massage.

The Thai Acu massage generally follows the energy lines drawn by joining different acupressure points. Different reflexology part like feet reflexology, spine reflexology, head reflexology etc. are involved. Acupressure devices are used to stimulate circulation and massage.

Rather than rubbing, compression, pulling and stretching are much more focused in this type of massage therapy. The Thai Acu massage recipient is positioned in different yoga postures time-to-time and deep static and rhythmic pressure is provided alongside. It involves a standard procedure and rhythm which the therapist will provide that suits the recipient. Your fingers are pulled, your knuckles are cracked, you would be walked on your back – pretty intense but worth relaxing.

Uniquely, In Thai Acu Massage, there is no use of any kind of oil or lotion and the recipient is clothed during the therapy.  More than that it can be given on a mat on a flat surface. So no difficulty in going anywhere, even without taking shower, after the massage.

In order to book this massage click here