Categories: therapy



Physiotherapy is all about diagnosing and curing a range of ailments and disorders with the aid of physical means. Physiotherapy also known as physical therapy has been highly successful in managing neuro-musculo-skeletal problems using set of physical practices, massage, heat therapy, providing mobility aids and even application of electricity.

The practice of physiotherapy in Nepal was introduced some decades ago and now abundant centers have been established including Nepal Ayurveda Home that promises to provide you with quality physiotherapy service.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a branch of health care profession that primarily deals with the enhancement, maintenance and restoration of individual’s maximum movement and functional ability. it basically deals with the problems of physical disabilities and injuries.

The history of physiotherapy can be traced back to the ages of Hippocrates who advocated massage and hydrotherapy for treatment of people. Later in modern ages physiotherapy techniques of exercise, massage and traction were being used in the conventional health practice.

With the advancement in medical sciences, the field of orthopedics improvised the physiotherapy techniques to shape it into the present form.

The charm of physiotherapy is growing much more in the recent times due to its efficacy in pain reduction as well as in restoration of mobility and flexibility. Physiotherapy has been proven safe and effective in many instances which demands surgery too.

What happens in a physiotherapy session?

Professionals practicing physiotherapy are called physiotherapist. Physiotherapist are trained to diagnose and provide proper solution for the diagnosed problem.

Whenever you visit a physiotherapist s/he assesses your condition by going through your medical history and physical examination. The physical examination includes postural and biomechanical assessment along with power tests. They can refer for other diagnostic tests generally radiographic investigations like X-ray, MRI etc. to better evaluate the condition.

Based on the condition and need of the patient physiotherapist generally design program which include

  • Advice with correct posture maintenance
  • Set of trainings of movement and exercise technique that would help to improve mobility and strength
  • Provide manual therapies like massage and other aiding techniques like electrical nerve stimulation

Application of physiotherapy

Physiotherapy generally deals with pain and disability management. It has been found to be beneficial in cases of:

  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Movement problems observed in neurological disorder like Parkinson’s disease and neurovascular disease like stroke
  • Arthritis
  • Rehabilitation after fracture
  • Rehabilitation after heart attack
  • Post-operative rehabilitation

Other than these, physiotherapy in the recent times have expanded its scope and a new field of sports physiotherapy, pediatric physiotherapy and geriatric physiotherapy have also evolved. It has also stepped in designing program for the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease etc.

Why Physiotherapy at Nepal Ayurveda Home?

The service of physiotherapy in Nepal was pioneered only some decades ago. In the present context abundant number of clinics, fitness home and physiotherapists are providing the service of physiotherapy in Nepal. In this scenario, Nepal Ayurveda Home is also providing a quality service of physiotherapy in Nepal.

Here at Nepal Ayurveda Home, we aim to heal your pain faster in a compassionate way. Our team of physiotherapy is beat in dealing with problems of physical pain of the patient in a kind and caring manner.

We have got bona fide physiotherapist to provide you with best service of physiotherapy. Our physiotherapists are well trained and well experienced to correctly diagnose your condition and recommend the management as per your need. The therapy session will be fully manual and will be carried out by our own practitioners.

Be it post trauma condition or be it simply lower back pain our practitioners are experts in helping you overcome your problematic experience. Team of physiotherapy in Nepal Ayurveda Home also include of skillful massage therapists too. So if any massage therapy is included in the designed program you will surely have a soothing and a relieving session of massage too.

Not only for the management of the problems you are facing, we also provide counselling for prevention of health through means of exercise. The post trekking physiotherapy session would be something you would not want to miss. This session will guide you with set of physical movement techniques and massage that would relieve the pain and exhaust after your trekking.


Physiotherapy is a genuine field for the management of pain and disability. With the use of physical movement techniques, massage and supporting aids, physiotherapy helps to gradually overcome your problems.

Physiotherapy in Nepal is booming in recent times as never before. It is better to choose the quality service provider before you join. Our expert team of physiotherapy at Nepal Ayurveda Home guarantee you with the best service of physiotherapy in Nepal.

Physiotherapy in Nepal Ayurveda Home can be one of your best experiences so don’t miss a chance to relieve yourself from the pain you are dealing with.


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