Reflexology is one of the widely used healing techniques aside from modern medicine. It is mostly used as a complementary therapy after other healing techniques to boost the healing. It is based on the belief that our internal organs and parts are connected directly with the external organs and point through the complex connection of nerves. Spine reflexology is the process of applying pressure and massaging on the various parts of the spine, to heal various body organs, maintain their good health as well as help to get rid of diseases if any are present in them.
Our spine is a series of bones that extends from our neck region to the edge of our back. It is the combination of many bones. In spine reflexology, it is said that each bone relates to various organs and parts through a complex combination of nerves. This relation is used in spine reflexology to heal various parts. Let us look at various parts of the spine that are used in spine reflexology to heal various body parts.
It is the uppermost bone that is connected to the skull. It is associated with not just one organ but with many. Massaging in this region is said to heal the head region, inner and middle ears.
This spine lies just below c1 and is an especially important region in spine reflexology. This part is associated with four parts auditory nerves, sinuses, eyes, and tongue.
This is the segment after c2. This region is associated with teeth, cheeks, and outer ears.
The C4 region on the cervical spine is associated with the nose, mouth, and lips. Massaging in this region will heal these parts according to spine reflexology.
The pharynx and vocal cords are the regions that are associated with the cervical spine c5.
Shoulders, neck, and tonsils are associated with the c6 bone on the cervical spine. This bone controls not just one but three organs in total.
Spine reflexology says that this part of the bone is associated with four organs. The lower arms, fingers, esophagus, and trachea are the four organs that are associated with Th1 in the thoracic region.
This is one of the most important regions in spine reflexology as this part is associated with the heart. Applying massage in this region will help to keep the heart healthy as well as get rid of the diseases of the heart.
This bone is directly related to the chest region and the organs present in this region. Spine reflexology says that Th3 of the thoracic spine is associated with the lungs, chest as well as breast.
This region is directly associated with gallbladders. By massaging in this region one can control the health and efficiency of the gallbladders.
This bone is also an important part of spine reflexology as this part governs one of the most important organs as well as connected with blood circulation. Thoracic spine Th5 relates to the liver, blood circulation as well as solar plexus.
This region is associated with the stomach region and can be used to maintain the health of the stomach region.
The pancreas and duodenum are the two parts that have a strong nerve connection with this region.
The spleen is the organ that is connected with the thoracic spine Th8.
Adrenal glands are the organ that is connected with the thoracic spine Th9.
Kidneys are the parts that are connected with Th10. They are one of the important organs of the body which health needs to be good for the proper functioning of the body.
This region is associated with the uterus.
This bone is connected with the small intestine and lymph circulation. Pressure can be applied in this region by massaging to maintain the health and efficiency of those parts.
This region is directly connected with the large intestine and inguinal region and can be used to heal them.
The abdomen, appendix, and upper legs are the three regions that have a special connection with the bone of L2.
Spine reflexology says this region is directly connected with the bladder, sex organs, and knees. This region also can help get rid of the impotence and maintain the health of sex organs.
Sciatic nerves and the prostate gland are the two organs that are associated with this region. Applying pressure here on the right amount will heal those organs as well as get rid of the problems associated with them.
L5 of this region is connected with the lower legs and feet. This region helps to heal problems and diseases associated with feet and lower legs.
The sacrum is the penultimate one of the back region and is associated with the organs like hip bones and buttocks.
This is the last one of the backbone region. This region is associated with the rectum and anus.