What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture in Nepal is very popular nowadays and is supposed to be a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It involves putting specialized filiform needles into particular points on the human body (acupoints). It tries to maintain the free flow of energy (qi), which is said to be circulating in the body while balancing the opposing forces of yin and yang (meridian and collaterals).…
Leech therapy the greatest connective tissue essential for growth and repair is blood in the human body. According to Ayurveda,…
Elderly Care in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a more than 1000-year-old rational approach to medicine that understood the human body at…
What is Udvartana Therapy? Dincharya and ritucharya are day and night routines in Ayurvedic practice. Dincharya is significantly more extensive…
What Exactly is Ubtan Therapy? Ayurveda has its own dincharya, and ubtan is one of the stages advised for radiant…
Snehana in Ayurveda Therapy According to Ayurveda, the human body has three doshas: vaat, pitta, and kapha. These doshas perform…
Significance Of Ayurveda on Diabetes, A review Ayurveda literally means "Life Science" or "Life Knowledge." This life-care, healthcare, and disease-care…
How to do sadhana in everyday busy life? A daily spiritual practise is one approach to create a deeper connection…
What Are the Chakras Symbols? Chakra symbols, despite their beauty, depict the cosmic geometry of the cosmos. And bringing us…
Why Did You Need To Be A Certified Yoga Teacher? It's Trend or Necessity? There are many parts of the…