
Ten Best Therapies In Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a unique practice of medicine. It has its own insight about cause of the disease and approach of treatment. Production of waste products from metabolic processes inside the body is an inevitable phenomenon. Ayurveda believes obstruction in the excretion of such wastes leads to their accumulation which become a prime factor for initiating a disorder. This disorder will set series of other processes which will ultimately lead to manifestation of disease.

Ayurveda suggests various kind of therapies in order to detoxify body from such wastes and other therapies that play significant role in aiding detoxification and nourishing the body.

Here We Present You Our Collection Of 10 Best Ayurveda Therapies

1. Fasting Therapy

Fasting therapy simply means avoiding food for certain period of time. By avoiding food intake for a certain period of time, we temporarily cease the accumulation of further metabolic wastes and reduce the metabolic load on the digestive tract so that it can excrete previously formed wastes properly.

The duration of fasting as recommended by Ayurveda varies according to the disease condition and dosha of an individual. A basic rule that can be applied for duration of fasting is –

“Fasting begins with the loss of appetite and ends with the passionate demand of food.”

Benefits Of Fasting Therapy:

  • Increased appetite
  • Lightness of body
  • Clarity of mind
  • Decrease in digestive ailments

2. Swedan

Swedan Karma (fomentation therapy) is one of the three preparatory procedures, which is employed before Pancha karma procedures. It is performed only after employing proper oleation. In this therapy the person is given heat either by applying steam of a decoction of medicinal herbs or by applying indirect heat to the body, in the form of warm clothing or keeping the patient in a warm cabin.

Swedan melts the body toxins and helps to flow them through body channels so as to efficiently expel these with Pancha karma procedures.

Benefits of Swedan

  • Increased body flexibility
  • Relieves stiffness and pain
  • Indicated in diseases like paraplegia, hemiplegia, sciatica, backache, arthritis etc

3. Abhyanga

Abhyanga is simply external oleation i.e. application of oil on external surface of the body. Skin is the sense organ of touch. In Ayurveda sense of touch is in association with Vata dosha and oil application is the best measure for alleviation of vitiated vata in the body. So, abhyanga has been indicated in Vataj disorder.

The unctuous property of oil has nourishing effect over tissues of body too. It softens the skin, imparts luster and removes dryness from the body.

The direction of applying oil on the body depends on direction of blood flow in the given region. Commonly, in limbs oil is applied in downward direction i.e. from proximal to distal part while in pelvic and back region oil is to be applied in upward direction i.e. from distal to proximal part.

Benefits of Abhyanga Therapy

  • Relaxation of the body
  • Nourishment to tissues
  • Improves complexion of body
  • Induces sound sleep

4. Akshi Tarpan

It is another nourishing therapy in our list. Akshi means eye and Tarpan means nourishment. So it is a method of providing nourishment to eye by pouring medicated ghee over the closed eyelids in an enclosure built around the eye out of flour. Akshi tarpan therapy is considered as an excellent treatment method to improve vision.

Benefits of Akshi Tarpan Therapy

  • Moisturizes dry eyes
  • Improves blurred vision
  • Cleans eyes
  • Relaxation to eyes

5. Raktamokshan

Raktamokshan is the procedure in which vitiated blood is taken out by various methods. Various methods d escribed in classical texts include:

  • Use of sharp instruments
  • Leech therapy
  • Extracting blood through the vacuum using bottle gourd
  • Extracting blood through the vacuum using cow’s horn

Of all the various classified types, vein puncture by use of sharp materials and leech therapy plays the most popular role in carrying out Raktamokshana.

Benefits Of Raktamokshan Therapy

  • Beneficial for skin disorders
  • Management of Varicose veins
  • Useful in gout

6. Vaman

Vaman Karma (Therapeutic emesis) is one of the major component of Pancha Karma. This therapy has been explained as the measure to extract vitiated Kapha dosha from the body. It is induced in order to eliminate excess of mucus from the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract.
In classical methods, digestion, oleation, sudation, intake of food which increase Kapha dosha and vaman are to be followed in order.

Benefits Of Vaman Therapy:

  • Lightness in chest
  • Relief from congestion, wheezing and breathlessness
  • Reduction in weight

7. Virechana

Virechana is one of the Panchakarma therapies in which purgation is induced by drugs. This therapy aims to eliminate vitiated Pitta dosha in particular from the body through the anal route.

Benefits Of Virechana Therapy:

  • Eliminates toxin present in the GI tract
  • Beneficial in skin disorders
  • Improved digestive capacity

8. Shiro Dhara

Shirodhara is a well-established ayurvedic procedure of slowly and steadily pouring medicated fluid on the forehead. This procedure induces a relaxed state of awareness that results in a balanced and stabilized mind. This treatment directly and immediately calms, relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind
The gentle pressure and soothing warmth of the fluid (oil or decoction) allow the body and mind to experience a deep state of rest.

Benefits Of Shiro Dhara Therapy:

  • Relieves stress and headache
  • Regulates mood
  • Gives feeling of pleasure and relaxation
  • Beneficial in insomnia
  • Lowers blood pressure

9. Nasya

Nasya karma is one of the therapeutic procedures under Panchakarma, in which the drug is administered through the nasal route. It primarily affects the region above the shoulder. Administered material generally include medicated oil or ghee or freshly expressed juice of medicinal herbs.

Benefits Of Nasya Therapy:

  • Lubricates the nasal passage, preventing allergies
  • Prevents headaches, earaches, sore throat
  • Relieves stiffness from neck, face and shoulder area
  • Calms down the nervous system.

10. Basti

Basti karma is considered as the principal therapy amongst the five Panchakarma. In Basti karma the medicated oil or decoction is administered through anal route. Basti is referred to as ‘half a treatment’ for all health problems.

Ayurveda considers vata dosha as the main etiological factor in the manifestations of many diseases. Vata itself is the major factor in the elimination and retention of excretory products. Balancing vata thus is an essential therapeutic measure to detoxify the body. Since major seat of vata is located in colon, basti therapy plays a crucial role in balancing the vata. On the other hand, studies also show the bioavailability of the drug will be higher when given as basti.

Benefits Of Basti Therapy:

  • Beneficial in Vata disorders
  • Relieves constipation
  • Feeling of lightness in the abdomen
Tirtha Acharya

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  • Dear Sir,

    I am interested in the Healing courses (reiki, singling bowl), especially the singing bowl part, i was wondering if you can send me introduction or courses schedule, teachers, etc to me so that I can arrange my time to see if I can participate. Your earliest reply will be very much appreciated.



  • Dear madam,
    Thank you for your interest on reiki and singing bowl courses. yes,we are running these courses.
    If you send an email to us on nepalayurvedahome@gmail.com we will send detail about the courses.
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