Situated in the calm and peaceful periphery of Kathmandu valley, Nepal Ayurveda Home is a well-known abode for those who are pursuing knowledge, experience and training in yoga and Ayurveda. We have been providing Yoga Retreat and Yoga Teachers Training Courses from the beginning and in the course of time we have been adding up different packages reckoning the convenience and demand of seekers. As per now, we are glad to announce that we have begun a three weeks Ayurvedic Spa and Massage training course just for you.
A spa is the use of hot aerated water in regards to treating medical conditions. It is usually used in concordance with massage to provide numerous health benefits. These conditions can range from mere muscle tension to some debilitating conditions associated with aging – osteoarthritis, sciatica, and general emaciation. The healing benefits of spa and massage can also be used to reap the benefits of yoga because it helps in enhancing the flexibility of the body.
One has to recognize that the spa has been in the culture of Ayurveda for thousands of years. The act of “snehana”, “mardana”, and “svedana” represents the act of “oiling”, “massaging”, and “steaming” in Ayurveda. However, a key difference in Ayurveda is the fact of usage of healing herbal decoctions in the creation of steam, and also usage of various medicinal oils to help in lubrication of your joints, loosening of your stiff muscles, and draining of lymph.
Ayurveda has a unique perspective about healing discomfort. In Ayurveda any kind of discomfort is attributed to imbalance of doshas (the fundamental three elements – Vata, Pitta and Kapha) or accumulation of toxins or sometimes both. The technique used to relieve discomfort is based on the principles of interactions. Any drugs or action applied on the body interact ultimately with the doshas, and result in provoking or alleviating effects. The trick to acquire balance is to provoke the diminished dosha and alleviate the aggravated doshas, and in most of the cases latter one is applied in course of therapies.
And hence herbal decoction and massage oil material vary according to the cases and conditions. Ayurvedic massage consists of using specific oil according to your dosha type. For example, a person with a Vata disorder would use sesame oil or Mahanarayan oil during the massage. Similarly, Pitta natured people would use coconut oil during massages, and Kapha natured would use olive oil. This provides maximum health benefits and reduces the possible side effects. Ayurvedic massage is a combination of deep tissue massage with components of Thai massage included. This creates a blissful combination of the health of the body. Ayurveda provides a sweating mechanism that is different from a regular spa. This includes special steam arising out of an herbal pot that penetrates the nook and crannies of the body and helps in rejuvenating a down-trodden body from a state of disease and misery.
Ayurveda believes in maintaining homeostatic balance in the body and takes both preventive and therapeutic measures in account for that purpose. In order to strengthen your body and prevent possible injuries in future, to heal the newly experienced discomfort and treat the persisting chronic kind of pain, Ayurvedic spa and massage would be a healthy choice.
The purpose of providing ayurvedic spa and massage to the body is to alleviate the aggravated dosha, eliminate toxins and relieve the pain. The spa is going to open up the channels and massage actions are going to assist for the movement of localized aggravated doshas and toxins. The unctuous property of oil has nourishing effect over tissues of body too. It softens the skin, imparts luster and removes dryness from the body. The direction of applying oil on the body depends on direction of blood flow in the given region. Commonly, in limbs oil is applied in downward direction i.e. from proximal to distal part while in pelvic and back region oil is to be applied in upward direction i.e. from distal to proximal part.
In this way spa and massage go hand in hand. Along with Ayurveda spa and massage training you will also be learning different types of Ayurvedic therapies that will assist to enhance the effect of these procedures.
The unique perspective of ayurvedic spa and massage training not only makes it different from other courses it is indeed an effective art of healing. Ayurveda encompasses to manage different factors relevant to a single problem. Being too specific leaves a lot to ignore while being too broad loses efficiency. Ayurveda approaches the problem from the middle ground of specificity and broadness, thus assuring healing of discomfort and maintenance of balance.
In the theoretical part of the this course you will get to know to whom what kind of materials are to be used and in the practical part you will be trained to deliver the knowledge you have gained. After this course you will be able to choose the therapy procedures and materials in accordance to the nature of individual and diseases, and apply your practice in your future as an efficient practitioner.
So join Nepal Ayurveda Home for Three weeks of Ayurvedic Spa and Massage, and learn how diseases, weariness, and toxins (doshas) get washed away from the body and is replaced with something revitalizing, rejuvenating, and rejoicing.
Along with ayurvedic concepts you will be trained for different kind of massage including
The massage generally follows the energy lines drawn by joining different acupressure points. Different reflexology part like feet reflexology, spine reflexology, head reflexology etc. are involved. Acupressure devices are used to stimulate circulation and massage.
Rather than rubbing, compression, pulling and stretching are much more focused in this type of massage therapy. The massage recipient is positioned in different yoga postures time-to-time and deep static and rhythmic pressure is provided alongside. It involves a standard procedure and rhythm which the therapist will provide that suits the recipient. Uniquely, there is no use of any kind of oil or lotion and the recipient is clothed during the therapy.
Deep tissue massage is a massage therapy that emphasizes applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach the tissues situated deeply underneath. The recipient of deep tissue massage usually lays on the stomach or back, while deep pressure is applied to targeted areas of the body by a trained massage therapist. As deep pressure is applied, this stimulate blood flow in those region improving muscle recovery from injuries.
Head and shoulder massage is a deep relaxing massage therapy that focuses on relieving muscular tension built up in the region of shoulders, neck, and face. recipient is asked to sit on a chair comfortably. The therapist from behind begins with kneading the shoulders and neck. Then slowly fingers are moved towards the scalp. The therapist than gives light slapping movements on the back and sides of the head. Finally, massage is provided on face and the ears.
Feet are the most stress bearing regions of the human body. A simple rubdown on this region would be of beneficial value. Foot massage technique commences from soft manipulation i.e. gentle rubbing with oil then moves to a deeper massage i.e. pressing the knuckles, kneading of foot, pulling toes back and forth etc.
Trekkers massage is a combination of deep tissue massage and stretching specially designed for trekkers. It emphases in loosening up the body and increasing the flexibility. This massage is helpful in preparing your body for long hiking schedules and to ease your muscles from the pain and aches after you have returned. Trekker’s massage provided prior to tours makes the muscle tender which helps the muscle to cope with demands of increased physical activity.
Based on the principles of healing effects of vibrations, singing bowl massage is one of the most unique massage therapy. The recipient is made to lie on a mat on a flat surface. The singing bowls are placed on different parts of the body while being chimed. Other bowls might also be used surrounding the body to create varying notes and vibrations. The singing bowls are struck in specific rhythmic patterns such that the mind also finds peace in the milieu of soothing sound.
Besides all the above-mentioned therapies to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit we will also guide you through auxiliary care and therapeutics which will restore your health.
Ayurveda when combined with yoga provides the best benefit to the human body. Relying on the practices of sister sciences we at Nepal Ayurveda Home provide a unique synergism between Ayurveda and Yoga. Your Ayurveda Dosha characteristics drive your yoga classes. This creates an “Individual yoga practice” – a practice where you can get a maximal amount of benefit in a minimal amount of time.
Nepal Ayurveda Home is located at Thamel. And it is at Thamel where the festivity is. Thamel is the heartland of Nepalese culture. It is here you get to experience visually the sounds of clamors of people, stimulating colors of the Jatras, the smell of raw herbs and spices, and the tastes of local foods. It provides contentment for all of your senses.
Nepal Ayurveda Home recognizes food can be an issue while traveling. So to satiate your hunger we at Nepal Ayurveda Home offer you with the widest selection of menu and cuisines – but that too you can remodel according to Dosha for your maximum benefit. This, along with scenery atop out 360-degree view rooftop restaurant food is guaranteed to taste extra flavorful along with all the benefits towards health provided by this food.
To get a full experience of Ayurvedic Spa and Massage training come to join us at Nepal Ayurveda Home. A life-changing experience is waiting for you at Nepal Ayurveda Home.