Reflexology is a process of healing where massage and pressure are applied to the various pressure points in the body for the process of healing. Reflexology is based on the fact that the internal organs of the body are directly connected to the various points in the outer part of the body. When massage is applied to the points that are connected the internal organs get healed. Face reflexology is the part of reflexology where massage and applying pressure are done to the various parts of the face to heal the various organs of the body as well as the entire body.
Let’s look at the various points in the face which are used in face reflexology.
This is the center part of the forehead which lies just above the unibrow. This point in face reflexology is massaged for headache. Headache is a very common problem and maybe the result can be caused by various things. When this point in the face has been massaged the pain in the head decreases and a sense of relaxation is obtained immediately.
Chin is the lowest part of the face and lies below the mouth. In the world of face, reflexology chin is associated with the bowel movement, when this point is massaged and pressure is applied here, it eases the condition of constipation. Constipation may not be a big problem on its own but is very irritating and also can give rise to problems like hemorrhoids.
This point is for both of the eyes, so there are two points in the face that lies below the eyes, and they also are associated with one of the very important organs of the human body. When this point is massaged, according to face reflexology it improves the condition of the kidneys. While it is said that humans can also live with one kidney, both healthy kidneys are required for the body to be healthy.
This is the segment of the intestinal disease. When this point on the face is massaged and when the right amount of pressure is applied here, various conditions and diseases related to the intestine can be cured. It will also maintain the good condition of the intestine.
This is the point of the pancreas. When this point on the face is massaged, it will heal the pancreas and also get rid of the various diseases and conditions associated with the pancreas. An unhealthy pancreas will hamper digestion as well as deplete the health of other body parts. This point on the face will help to heal it.
This point on the face is associated with livers. Massaging at this point in the face will help the liver to function better as well as heal it.
This is one of the very amazing points according to face reflexology. It is believed in face reflexology that, when this point is massaged, it can enhance and make the memory power better as it is associated with memory.
This point is associated with gas. People who have the problem associated with gas can massage and apply pressure in this region to make their condition better.
This is an extremely important part of the world of face reflexology as it is associated with one of the most important organs in the human body. This point is associated with the heart and can affect the condition of the heart as well as the disease associated with it. Good condition of every organ is required for a healthy body, however, when it comes to the case of the heart the requirement of a healthy heart is slightly higher than the other body parts. So, one needs to be very cautious about a healthy heart.
This region does not lie in the face but in the neck region. However, these points are also included in the region of face reflexology. This region is linked with impotence and sexual stimulation. The point of sexual stimulation and impotence lies on the right and left side, there are two points to massage for these types of conditions. When pressure is applied in this region according to face reflexology, the condition of impotence can be cured as well as sexual stimulation can be balanced.
This region in face reflexology is associated with blood circulation. When massage is done in this region and pressure is applied, it will enhance blood circulation. As good blood circulation is a must for a healthy body, to get that this point can be massaged.
The point on the right side of the lips in face reflexology is associated with the health of the right lungs while the point on the left side of the lips is associated with the health of the left lungs. The health of the lungs is associated with the health of the entire body and massaging this point on the face will maintain the good condition of the lungs as well as help them get rid of the diseases.