Categories: human body

Body Types in Ayurveda- An Ayurvedic constitutionals of Body or Tridosha- Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Body Types in Ayurveda: An Ayurvedic constitutionals Tridosha of Body- Vata, Pitta and Kapha

How to identify your dominant dosha through bodily structure and appearance:

Each person is constituted with tridosha known as Vata, Kapha and Pitta where one is dominates on the other two. Sometimes, it is also seen that two doshas become prominent over the third. With this guidelines on our body structures, we can which dosha is more and which one is less.

Body types in Ayurveda and its  characteristics are given below: 

  • Frame:
    • If you are a Vata body types of person, your body will be either tall or short height, thin, poorly developed body figure or you can say under-developed physique.
    • Pitta- type person is medium in height, medium developed physique.
    • Kapha body types person is fat, dumpy, short, huge, well-developed physique.


  • Weight:
    • People with Vata constitution will have difficulty to hold weight, they weight low. Their bone and veins are easily noticeable.
    • Pitta-dominated people have moderate weight with good and strong muscles.
    • If your body types is Kapha, you will have heavy weight, and tend to obesity.
  • Complexion: To recognize your Aayurvedic constitution through your complexation or appearance
    • You will look dull, brown, and darkish if you are a Vata
    • Pitta-dominated person looks red, glowing, bloody, blooming, and gleeful.
    • Kapha people look white or pale.
  • Skin Texture and Temperature according to body types in Ayurveda
    • Vata-type people have dry, thin, cold, craggy, and rough skin
    • Pitta personality is constituted with moles, freckles, warm, moist, pink and acne skin.
    • Kapha Their skins are thick, soft, smooth and cold.
  • Hair
    • Vata: Vata body types in Ayurveda is Skimpy, prickly, dry, slight brown and wavy
    • Pitta: Medium, soft, fine, early gray or hairless
    • Kapha: Ample, oily, bushy, very curvy, shiny
  • Head
    • Vata body types is: Tiny, thin, lengthy, unstable
    • Pitta: Average, common
    • Kapha: Big, sturdy, firm
  • Forehead
    • Vata : Vata forehead is symbolized with tiny, lined or wrinkled.
    • Pitta: Pitta forehead is moderate.
    • Kapha: Kapha people have big and wide forehead.
  • Eyebrows:
    • Vata: Minute, spare, wobble
    • Pitta: Moderate, wispy
    • Kapha: Thick, shaggy, hirsute
  • Eyelashes
    • Vata body types People born with Vata dosha have small, crispy, rigid eyelashes.
    • Pitta: Small, fine, scraggy
    • Kapha: Big, fatty, thick, dense
  • Eyes :
    • Vata: People with vata dosha have small, thin, unsteady, dry, brown and dull eyes.
    • Pitta: People with pitta dosha have moderate, red, thin, green, shrewd eyes.
    • Kapha: People with Kapha dosha have broad, clear, thick, oily, whitish, alluring eyes.
  • Face
    • Vata body types  People of vata body have thin, tiny, sometimes long, lined, shadowy face.
    • Pitta People of pitta body have average, rosy, sharp configurative face.
    • Kapha People of Kapha body have large, circular, fat, white or pale, gentle contour face.
  • Nose
    • Vata: The nose of vata people are characterized with thin, small, long, dry, bent.
    • Pitta: They have medium nose
    • Kapha: Kapha’s nose is noticed by thick, big, rigid, fatty.
  • Lips:
    • Vata : Their lips are thin, small, dusky, arid.
    • Pitta : Pitta lips are moderate, lenient, and redish.
    • Kapha : Kapha lips are noticed with thick, big, oleaginous.
  • Teeth and Gum
    • Vata: Vata teeth are thin, dry, mini with receding gums.
    • Pitta: They have medium size teeth. Gums is soft, get bleed easily.
    • Kapha : They have large and thick teeth while gums is pink soft and oily.
  • Neck
    • Vata : Vata neck is thin and long.
    • Pitta: Pitta neck is medium.
    • Kapha: Kapha neck is large and thick.
  • Shoulder
    • Vata: Vata body types shoulder is thin, flat, bent and small.
    • Pitta : Pitta shoulder is moderate.
    • Kapha: Kapha shoulder is wide, huge, firm and oily.
  • Chest:
  • Vata: Thin, small, narrow and less developed
  • Pitta: Moderate
  • Kapha: Well or excessively developed, broad, big.
  • Arms:
    • Vata: Thin, excessively tiny or long, less developed.
    • Pitta: Middle size
    • Kapha: Large, broad, round, highly developed
  • Hands
    • Vata: Small, thin, jaggy, crisp, dry, cold, fissured
    • Pitta: Warm, pink, medium
    • Kapha: Fatty, strong, big, cool
  • Thighs:
    • Vata: Thin, narrow
    • Pitta: Medium size
    • Kapha: Round, fat, big
  • Calves:
    • Vata body types: Small, hard, tight
    • Pitta: Loose, soft
    • Kapha: Shapely, firm
  • Legs:
    • Vata : Thin, too much long or short, notable knee
    • Pitta: Medium
    • Kapha: Big, stocky
  • Joints
    • Vata: Small, thin, wobbly, weak
    • Pitta: Medium, soft
    • Kapha: Large, thick, plain, strong, oily
  • Nail:
    • Vata: Tiny, thin, uneven, jerky, fissured, tawny
    • Pitta: Medium, pink, soft
    • Kapha: Big, thick, flat, plain, oily, rigid
  • Feet:
    • Vata: Small, thin, dry, long, fissured, unsteady
    • Pitta: Medium, soft
    • Kapha: Big, thick, strong, hard

General characteristics, psychological factor, expression, and excretion of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha body types in Ayurveda

Ayurveda states each person is Vata-dominated, pitta-dominated, or Kapha-dominated. Mostly it is an innate quality. These three types of people have specific qualities. In other words, you can recognize the Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type observing general behavior of the people.


Vata: Activities of Vata-dominated people are quick, hurrying, and speedy. They are inconsistent and overactive.

Pitta: Pitta-dominated is neither too quick nor slow. They are triggered, motivated, target-oriented, meaningful, and purposeful.

Kapha: Kapha-dosha body types is connected with slow, gentle, steady, impressive, sturdy, and well.


Vata: Generally they are weak, low, and poor fortitude begins and stops quickly, intolerant to cold.

Pitta: Their strength is medium, have no-endurance to heat.

Kapha: They have good endurance, but are slow-going in beginning.


Vata: They fear cold, delicate to dryness and sensitive to wind.

Pitta: Pitta-dominated people don’t like heat and sunny.

Kapha: They love wind and sun, but fear of cold and moisture.


 Venereal complexation; sexual activities:

Vata: Fluctuating, irregular, deviating, few children, strong desire but low energy

Pitta: They are neither fluctuating like Vata nor constant as Kapha, but medium. They are eager, heartfelt, pugnacious, and dominating in sex.

Kapha: Low and continual sexual desire, good sex power committed, many children


Resistance to diseases:

Vata: Vata-dominant people have low, inconstant, and frail immune system.

Pitta: Moderate, yet susceptible to infection.

Kapha: Good resistance, vulnerable to congestive agitation


Disease Tendency:

Vata: Arthritis, Pain, psychological disturbance, diseases connected with the nervous system.

Pitta: Fevers, swelling, erythrogenic diseases, inflammation 

Kapha: Diseases related to the respiratory system; hypercalcemia, gastritis, mucus, edema


Reaction to medication:

Vata: Fast, less shot needed, unpredicted reaction or nervous effects

Pitta: Reaction is medium, normal shots required,

Kapha: Reaction is slow, more shots needed, slow effects to explicit


Vata: Purse of people with Vata-dosha is filiform, fast and uneven, surficial, weak generally like a serpent

Pitta: Curly, wavy, leaping, moderate pulse often like a frog

Kapha: They have deeper, gentle, stable, and spinning pulse. Their pulse can be compared to slippy as a swan.



Vata:  They have a low pitched voices, frail, hoarse, and croaky.

Pitta: High pitched voice, sharp and moderate, well i.e. no hoarse

Kapha: Their voice is pleasant, deep and good tone.



Vata: They are talkative, speak quickly; also irregular and inconsistent.

Pitta: They are not quick as Vata, but moderate. They are polemical (argumentative), and convincing.

Kapha: They speak slow, definite. They are not chatty.


Psychological Characteristics:

Vata: They are quick, adaptable everywhere, and indecisive.

Pitta: They are intelligent, sharp, and analytic.

Kapha: They are slow, steady and dull.


Recollection and Memory:

Vata: They don’t have a good memory. They grasp things fast but forget easily.

Pitta: Sharp and clear memory.

Kapha: They are slow to notice, and generally do not forget, or lasts for a longer duration.


Money Matters:

Vata: They earn and spend swiftly, unevenly.

Pitta: People with pitta-dosha spend on a particular purpose, aims, causes, or reason.

Kapha: They hold on to what they earn, especially property.


Emotional Aptness:

Vata: Terrified, scared, nervous, and disturbed.

Pitta: Irritated, indignant, contentious

Kapha: Calm, content, peaceful, sentimental, cling.


Neurotic Disposition according to body types:

Vata: Hysteria, anxiety attack, trembling

Pitta: Furious, extreme anger, outburst

Kapha: Dejection, sorrow and unresponsiveness.


Belief/ Faith:

Vata: Their faith is unstable, erratic, and revolutionary.

Pitta: Men of pitta-constitution have steadfast, radical, and kingpin faith.

Kapha: Kapha-dosha is constant, faithful, and traditional.



Vata: People of Vata dosha have a very light sleep, even a simple cause can disturb their sleep. They are prone to insomnia if there is Vata disorder.

Pitta:  They are moderate for sleep. They may wake up but will fall asleep again.

Kapha: They love to sleep, sleep much, have deep sleep; nothing can disturb their sleep.



Vata body types: Their dreams are flying, moving, and restless. They are affected by nightmares

Pitta: People of pitta dosha have showy, colorful, emotional, and conflicting dreams. 

Kapha: Their dreams are less in comparison to Vata and Pitta. Dreams are connected with water, also romantic and sentimental.



Vata: They like everything fast. They love traveling, parks, games, plays, jokes, tales, artistic activities, dance, trivia, etc.

Pitta: They like competitions, debates, hunting, research, competitive games, etc.

Kapha: They like cooking, business travels, water, sailing, flowers, etc.


Taste Inclination:

Vata: Like sweets, sour or salty, cooked with oil and spices

Pitta: They prefer sweet too. They also like bitter or astringent food, raw and lightly cooked without spices.

Kapha: They favor pungent, bitter, or astringent food. They like food cooked with spices but not oil.


Circulation according to body types in Ayurveda

Vata: They have poor, erratic, and changeable circulation.

Pitta: They have warm and good circulation.

Kapha: They have warm and good circulation too but slower than that of Pitta. Their circulation is steady enough.


Sweat/ Body smell:

Vata: Negligible sweat, no odor.

Pitta: Fulsome, hot, sweat, and strong odor.

Kapha: Normal, cold sweat, pleasant smell



Vata: Little, dry, rigid. If they have food imbalance or abdominal problems they tend to have difficulty or hurting excretion, gas, constipation.  

Pitta: Plenty, slack, yellowish. If and imbalance in food or abdomen they tend to diarrhea with burning sensation.

Kapha: Normal, solid, mucus in stool and sometimes pale in color.


Urine of vata pitta and kapha body types:

Vata: Minimal amount, colorless; sometimes, difficult as if stopped.

Pitta: Abundant, yellow, or red if less water is taken; also burning sensation.

Kapha: Medium amount; color is whitish or milky.

These guidelines also help you to know about the ratio of your composition of the body- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. 


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