
Ayurvedic Treatment For Sinusitis

Sinusitis is inflammatory condition of air spaces within our face bone called paranasal sinuses. In this article (Ayurvedic Treatment for sinusitis) we will discuss on symptoms and remedy of sinusitis through Ayurvedic approach. Sinusitis is very common in winter season and children get more affected.

Functional aspects of these spaces are still subject of study for medical science, but available evidences suggest to provide warmness and moisture to inhaled air, provide resonance in voice production and protection of brain and vital structure form direct environmental contact. Infection is carried out by common environmental bacterias and viruses like strp. Pneumoniae, H. infulenzae, sterp. Pyogens etc. short term or long term exposure to particular environment, immune system of particular individual and some of genetic makeup also plays role in frequency and severity of infections.

What are sinuses

Paranasal sinuses are pneumatized spaces within skull bone. Different names are given to them according to bone they located eg: maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, ethmoidal sinuses, sphenoidal sinuses. Being the largest one and first sinus to be in contact with environment (present lateral to nasal cavity), maxillary sinusitis is very common. Frontal and anterior groups of ethmoidal lies above to maxillary, sphenoidal and posterior group of ethmoidal located posteriorly.

Similar to nasal cavity, these are also lined with normal mucosa capable of secreting mucus. All the sinus drain their secretions into nasal cavity through ostia. Ostia is the same path through which infection get spread all around. Unlike normal ventilation, sinuses ventilate paradoxically i.e. they inhale during the time of expiration and exhale during inhaling. Reason behind it is being positive and negative pressure on them on respective phases.

Clinical manifestation

   On the basis of onset of illness, sinusitis may be acute or chronic.

Acute sinusitis Chronic sinusitis
Onset is abrupt (2-3 days) Gradual onset
Sudden exposure to microorganisms, chemicals and other infection cause it Disturbance in normal mechanism of mucus clearance predispose it.
Symptoms more intense Mild grade and repeated symptoms
Resolves with proper antibiotics. Long term preventive measures, surgery might be needed.

Signs and symptoms

  • Nasal blockage
  • Thick nasal discharge
  • Pain and fever (due to inflammation)
  • Change in tone of voice ( resonance get affected)
  • Loss of taste and smell sense ( nerves passing through the area also involved)
  • Associated symptoms like headache, muscle pain, weakness may present.

For chronic infections to occur, Nasal anatomical defects like deviated septum, hypertrophied terbinates, polyps predispose to infections. People with suppressed immune functions like children ger recurrently affected and some defect in genes (like cystic fibrosis) sometimes leads to improper mucocilliary functions to clear out nasal secretions. During winter season common environmental agents gains more pathogenic power, which might be costly in immunocompromised individual.

ayurvedic Treatment for sinusitis

According to Ayurveda, sinusitis is the disease of kapha, caused by aggravated vata. Disease is called pratishyaya (for acute) and dusta pratishyaya (for chronic sinusitis). Vata being most powerful of tridoshas (three body humor vata, pitta and kapha) when get vitiated, cause kapha as well as pitta to disbalance from their normal physiological location and function, resulting in passage of kapha from nasal passage with some pitta symptoms. 

Regarding the etiology of pratishyaya, all the causes that aggravates vata dosha are included such as cold exposure, excessive physical and mental  activities, swimming, night awakening, pollen exposure, indigestion etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment for sinusitis with yoga and Ayurveda Therapy

  • Avoidance of causative factors is first line of treatment in Ayurveda.
  • Not taking food that increase vata and kapha like cold foods and drink, fruits, heavy meal, curd and alcohol.
  • Fasting is considered to be most effective of all
  • Few habits to be avoided are cold exposure, taking shower, sexual activities, anxious activities and heavy physical exertions. medicated smoking with certain herbs as guided by Ayurveda helps to melt out kapha easily and release blockage.
  • Yoga: certain yogic breathing practices and asanas are very helpful especially to cause heating effects on body, to increase the blood flow within head and to remove infected secretion from sinus with strengthening immunity. Commonly practices are bhastrika, kapalabhati, anuloma viloma, bhramari, sarbangasana, ardha halasana etc.
  • A particular therapy in Ayurveda is employed for the treatment of chronic sinusitis called NASYA. It is the process of nasal administration of different medicine specially in oil form . Since nasal cavity is considered to be door of brain, these herbal medicine also affects brain in certain way. Nasya therapy is one of panchakarma therapy ( Five body cleansing procedures).

According to recent researches, this procedure shown very positive result in controlling chronic sinusitis and few other diseases of nasal cavity and head. They include allergic rhinitis, migraine headache, neuralgia, nasal polyposis, insomnia etc. In patients with recurrent sinusitis attack, Nasya therapy in combination with few classical ayurvedic preparations like laxmivilas ras, tribhuwan kriti ras, mrutunjaya ras, chyawanprash, chitraka haritaki, trayodashanga guggulu etc. from oral rout showing very good effectiveness  in controlling symptoms and progression of disease.

Any interested individual can go through following links of clinical trials.





                                                                                                          THANK YOU                                                                                      Dr suman paudel, BAMS, IOM, TU


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