Tirtha Acharya

Ayurvedic Insomnia Management Approaches

What is Insomnia and Its Management? We have discussed Ayurvedic Insomnia management/treatment concept here. Insomnia is a condition in which…

4 years ago

Growing Significance of Yoga in Modern Times

Why Yoga Has its Significance in the Modern Times? In the era, when “stress” is contributing as the foremost etiology…

4 years ago

Alopecia Areata: Causes, Symptoms, Management and Clinical Features

What is Alopecia Areata? Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease of unknown cause. Merriam Webster dictionary defines alopecia areata as…

4 years ago

Disease From The Perspective Of Ayurveda

Before discussing about Disease From the Perspective of Ayurveda, lets' first know about Ayurveda. Ayurveda Information of Disease From The…

4 years ago

Revolved Chair Pose

Revolved Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana) In Sanskrit ‘Utkatasana’ means intense, fierce, furious, frightening, wild, or heavy. ‘Parivritta’ means revolved or…

4 years ago

Reiki Massage

What is Reiki? Reiki is the Japanese word which derived from Rei and Ki, Rei means higher or God's and…

4 years ago

Mind Technology

What is Mind Technology? Mind technology is a method to utilize the unlimited potentialities of mind. It is discovered that…

4 years ago

Life Style Management by Yoga

How To Manage Your Life Style with Yoga? The most appropriate method to attain optimum managed lifestyle is the yoga…

4 years ago

Legs-Up the Wall Pose

Legs-Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani Asana) Viparita Karani Asana(Legs-Up the Wall Pose) comes from two Sanskrit words Viparita and…

4 years ago

Intense-Forward bend pose (Uttanasana)

Overview - Intense-Forward bend pose Uttanasana means powerful forward bending pose. How to Practice Standing Forward Fold Pose or Uttanasana…

4 years ago