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6 Nights Basic to Advanced Level Singing Bowl Certification (level 1 & 2)

6 Nights Basic to Advanced Level Himalayan Singing Bowl Certification in Nepal (6 nights) [ Level 1 & Level 2]

650 USD per person- Standard Shared room, 750 USD per person in standard private room, 850 USD per person in deluxe Shared room and 950 USD per person in Deluxe private room

6 nights of Himalayan singing bowl certification in Nepal is a mind-blowing program to heal physical, mental, and spiritual level by musical sound of Singing Bowl. The combination of beginner or basic level of singing bowl and advanced level practice both will be covered during this course.

This singing bowl certification is fruitful for your better physical, emotional, and mental health. Anyone can learn it and get the best advantage in self-development. There is no restriction on age, gender, belief system, background, religion, or personality. Anyone, who is interested to tune with the inner sound of soul can be benefited from the singing bowl certification in Nepal Ayurveda Home. 

What is a singing bowl?

A singing bowl is an ancient tool for creating a soothing sound that brings an ambiance for calming and healing. The bowl set includes a wooden striker (mallet) and hand-sewn cushion.  It initiates the healing process by entraining our brainstorms to synchronize with the perfect resonance of the bowls. In this course, you will learn to play peaceful and mesmerizing sounds on a singing bowl to create a type of energy remedy that diminishes stress and endorses spiritual, mental, and physical recuperation. A better understanding will arise after the singing bowl certification in Nepal Ayurveda Home. 

Why singing bowl course

ENRICHES YOGA, MEDITATION, CHANT, CHAKRA RESTORATION, AND MENTALITY: Singing bowls are used worldwide for sound baths, Chakra healing, chakra awakening, chakra cleansing, spiritual healing by energy healers, sanctity practitioners, educators, and trainers of all types and those just exploring to feel a charming day-to-day resonance. The vibrations of its sound foster a relaxed state precise for deep meditation, ingenious thinking, and intuitive lessons.

A singing bowl can be used in sound therapy to tempt healing and treat numerous diseases. Its sounds create a type of energy that centers the frequencies of the body, mind, and soul. Playing these bowls causes the left and right sides of the brain to coordinate together, forming a wave of peace and serenity during meditation. Singing bowl certification courses in Nepal will take you to a higher level of spirituality.

If we take water inside the singing bowl and play, we can see the water start to respond with vibrations, leaping, moving, and dancing in choreographed and often symmetrical, concentric appearances. It shows that how a singing bowl can affect the 70% water element inside the human body.  The singing bowl also utilizes these performances of physics to affect the physical and metaphysical bodies. In this scientific age, we can observe how the singing bowl affects the water inside it through some electric device. Also, it has been researching the potential for sound vibrations to change the water element in our body. 

Singing Bowl School in Nepal

Nepal Ayurveda Home is a pioneer healing and Ayurveda school which is offering singing bowl healing, reiki healing, Ayurveda healing, reflexology, yoga, meditation and many more other courses. It is believed to be rooted in ancient culture that comes from Shive and Buddha. Fortunately, Shiva and Buddha both were born in Nepal. If you join singing bowl certification in Nepal Ayurveda Home you will get a chance to connect the authentic lineage of Shiva and Buddha. 

There is circumstantial proof to insinuate they are the most primal artisan craftsmanship in human science ancient time. The metalwork expertise was handed from generation to generation for thousands of years. On this Himalayan range of Asia. Nepal, Tibet and India are some places where the singing bowl was developed over 5,000 years ago. Still, they are produced in these areas. Originally singing bowls were made up of pure copper in the age-old world for healing objectives. Now they consist most often of bronze (an amalgamation of copper, tin, and zinc) or a seven-metal mixture of copper, tin, zinc, silver, lead, iron, and gold – seven metals of the soil for the seven chakras. 

How a singing bowl works

You can produce sound from a singing bowl either striking the bowl or rubbing the rim with a mallet. After this activity, you will hear a resonance. In fact, resonance is the note you hear after a strike or rub. The contact between the bowl and mallet is no more for creating resonance. The sound produced from a singing bowl has different types of vibrations which has a connection with a unique chakra and a unique metaphysical body.

Research has found that melodious and soothing sound from the singing bowl releases energy blockages and redirects it in the body. The human body and chakras have various layers of frequencies, the same do the music of the singing bowl.  When the sound is produced, it clears the blockage in the body of the related frequencies Chakra (energy center). Sound vibrations heal the body through the subtle form. It has also been found that it lowers stress hormones and strengthens the immunity system. Pulsating tones produced from a singing bowl make the people feel relaxed and good.

What will you learn one week singing bowl certification and yoga?

Sound healing -singing bowl training is the journey of the soul through divine sound of singing bowl. It’s part of Nada yoga. It has the goal to get liberation from suffering of the life. This is the course including level first and second. Level first is to focus the concept of singing bowl in theoretical and practical approach. This course starts from basic level then gradually progresses in the hight level of spirituality, and therapeutic approach of singing bowl. Level second is for the therapeutic approach of singing bowl. 

You will learn Yoga and meditation in the morning and evening on the day time you will have dedicated singing bowl training. Rest of the time you can do self-practice what the teacher taught you. During your free time you also can explore around Kathmandu city or can go around Nepal Ayurveda Home. This course is design with perfect combination of singing bowl, yoga and meditation in Nepal. You will learn following topic during your one week singing bowl certification in Nepal Ayurveda Home.

  • Hound system and it’s science 
  • Elements of music
  • Aahat and Anahat Nada 
  • Relation of the singing bowl and Aum sound 
  • History and origins of singing bowl 
  • Types of materials that used to make singing bowl 
  • Concept and mechanism of singing bowl 
  • How to ply singing bowl 
  • Contraindication of singing bowl 
  • Choosing and caring of singing bowl
  • Significance of singing bowl   
  • Singing bowl healing 
  • Singing bowl therapy
  • Singing bowl meditation
  • What is chakra 
  • Chakra and it’s function  
  • Singing bowl for chakra purification 
  • Singing bowl for chakra activation 
  • Singing bowl for chakra balance 
  • Pranayama and singing bowl 
  • Kundalini and singing bowl 
  • How singing bowl help to awaken the kundalini 
  • About 20 different therapy of sinning bowl 

What do you get after this course

  • This singing bowl certification is helpful to remove physical, mental, and emotional stress.
  •  It helps to clean the energy center and energy channels. 
  • You will be more peaceful and tranquil.
  • You will learn self healing process so that you can heal yourself back at home.
  •  You will get the certification so that you can help near, dear, relatives, and friend by this ancient art of singing bowl.
  • If you like to open a studio you can start your new career.   
  • You will be able to feel the various sounds of the environment and its effect on the body and mind. Your sense of sound will develop.
  •  If you are interested in the deeper state of meditation, this course will help to immerse you profound state of sound meditation. 
  • You will be able to realize the inner sound. Eventually, there is somewhat probability of developing the sixth sense toward sound. The sound consciousness will highly develop. 
  • You will release your emotional, and mental blockages. As a result, you will purify your body and mind from the root level. 
  • You will get better health due to good flow of energy. You will heal the diseases in the body with the proper set of singing bowls. This makes you feel lighter, more comfortable, and more active. 
  • You will find that your mental and physical stamina are increased. Working capacity both physical and mental will progress.
  • You will learn the amazing way of variety of healing processes 
  • You will learn how to heal in different problems. 

Professional and business point of view

This course is not merely helpful for health and spiritual development but can also be a good profession or business. You can start your part-time or full-time career in this field- either teaching or healing. You can initiate your own business of singing bowls as well as can do private sessions. You can also establish your own studio and school for teaching singing bowls.  

Conclusions of this basic to advanced level Singing Bowl Certification Course

We have been spending our days and time on various types of entertainment which gives no fruitful outputs. If you can manage your one-week time for singing bowl training in Nepal, you will definitely get a great output for making your life better in different ways physical, emotional and mental. This one-week time will be the most productive time in your life which will be very memorable throughout your life.