Seven chakras in Human body are Seven Energy center in Human Body
Human beings have various energy centers in the body in invisible form to receive the energy from the universe and to wash away the impurities from the body. Among various energy centers, seven are the major. They are called the seven chakras in the human body. Among them, four in our upper body, which govern our mental and spiritual properties, and three in the lower body, which controls our instinctual and physical properties. They are as follows:
- The Root Chakra.
- The Sacral Chakra.
- The Solar Plexus Chakra.
- The Heart Chakra.
- The Throat Chakra.
- The 3rd Eye Chakra.
- The Crown Chakra.
The seven chakras in human body (energy centers) are largely responsible for our various moods and behavior. People have eerie mood fluctuation. In a moment we have high energy and feel very positive, at times we feel very weak, sometimes our mood becomes happy and peace while another time mood becomes tensed and worried. Sometimes we can concentrate better but sometimes mind becomes out of control. The reason is sometimes the chakras in the body are more active and sometimes blocked. The Chakras are highly responsive to contribute a human’s well-being. Our basic and secondary instincts would join forces with our thoughts emotions and feelings. For many people, some of our chakras are usually not open all the way; i.e. they operate just like when they were born. Yet some are over-active or even near close. If the chakras are not active or impure unbalanced, one never achieves peace with the self.
Chakras are also referred to as the ‘whirlpool of energy’. Each chakra controls specific realm of the energy and particular parts of the body, strengthening particular organs and bring harmony within the body. The energy cannot flow freely if there is any blockage of chakras. Chakras cannot be seen through naked eyes, it is the part of the subtle body. It can be felt during meditation. Different yogic practices or meditation can activate. When the chakras are opened, the energy becomes even and balanced.
The entire universe and every element are made up of energy, similarly, the body has also no exception. The life force or prana moves inside of the body is spinning and rotating. The center of this spinning is called Chakra. There is a right amount of energy to every part of your body, mind, and spirit in a healthy person. If one of the chakras is too open and spinning too quickly, or if it is too close and moving slowly, there occurs a health problem. This should be in balance. Balancing the chakras, we can become in tune with the natural energy cycles of the body.
1. Muldhara chakra or Root chakra
This is the fundamental energy center, located between the anus and genital area (at the very base of spine, near tailbone and goes up to just below the belly button). The female power Kundalini or Shakti resides here which is dormant all the time. The role of this chakra is to connect your energy with the earth. This is called grounding. It gives everything for you that you need for survival. It is typically translated as financial and emotional security. Kundalini is symbolized with three and a half-coiled snake, named as Bhujangini, Ishwari, Nadshakti. When Kundalini energy is fully active, it moves in an upward direction along with upper chakras, ultimately reaches to Shahsra Chakra and attends the fully conscious state. If the energy does not flow above, the life of an individual limit in food and sleep like that of animals. The activity of Muladhara helps to gain personal security, fulfilling personal needs.
2. Swadhisthan Chakra or Sacral Chakra
This is the second chakra, located at Sacral bone, it stands for sexuality feeling, well-being, and pleasure. If the energy does not flow upwards from here, the life of an individual limit in seeking pleasure.
3. Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus
This is the third chakra situated directly behind the navel. The activity of Manipura chakra brings confidence and power. The complete activeness of Manipura chakra gives work-power to do many things, business and ability to influence the environment around them.
4. Anahata or Heart Chakra
Anahata chakra is lies behind the center of the chest. It represents for love and joy. The activity of Anahat chakra makes a person creative. They will understand how to make life artistic and experience life little more intensely than the person whose energy is limited in Manipura Chakra. The survival instinct lies in lower three chakras: self-preservation in- manipura, swadhisthana and Muladhara. Anahata is the way to go beyond all (longing to go beyond) and moves towards vishuddhi, ajna, and sahasrara.
5. Vishuddhi Chakra
It is the fifth chakra situated in the neck region just behind the throat. When it is active, it gives the power to communicate thoughts and ideas. Vishudhi chakra makes a person powerful, not necessarily due to their activities, or physical power but the way they present themselves.
6. Ajna chakra or Third eye chakra
It is the sixth Chakra situated behind the center the eyebrows. Ajna Chakra is the center for wisdom, intelligence, and intuition. When Ajna Chakra is active, intellectuality awakens, and the person sees the things clearly as they are in reality. It makes peace, gives true wisdom and removes the illusion.
7. Shahasra Chakra or the crown chakra
It is the chief of all chakras. Shahasra Chakra is not inside the body, it is outside the body, on the top of the head. It is beyond spirituality. It simply brings ecstasy and blissfulness. This chakra is active in the case of full enlightenment.
There are various methods to purify, open and activate the chakras in
Click here to learn how to know the ayurvedic approach chakra healing