by ayurvedahome | Jan 3, 2019 | Ayurveda
Sushruta and Vagvata have given us hints that immunology was prevalent in the ancient day and age. These Ayurveda experts explained about the use of Swarna (gold) in Jatakarma (the process of initial stabilization of the baby immediately after birth) which is called...
by ayurvedahome | Jan 3, 2019 | Ayurveda
In addition to three Doshas that form the physiological constitution, Ayurveda recognizes three psychic energies or Gunas that governs the mind and determines your psychological characters. When the three Gunas are balanced they keep the mind and, the body healthy....
by ayurvedahome | Jan 3, 2019 | Ayurveda
In this article we will discuss about Ayurvadic fruits according to prakriti. During the characterization of different foods and their usage in various Prakriti Ayurveda follows a general guideline of like increases like. For example, dry dates would increase the Vata...
by ayurvedahome | Dec 30, 2018 | Ayurveda
Certain habits urge, emotions, thoughts have to be retained and controlled while certain other types habits or should never be retained as these puts too much strain on the bodily systems. The non- retainable urges are quantified to be thirteen in number; and will be...
by ayurvedahome | Dec 30, 2018 | Ayurveda
Ayurveda known in modern times for herbalist approaches and holistic diagnosis and treatment, in its ancient textbooks has described tens of thousands of herbs and their various health promotive and disease curative properties. Some of these herbs described some four...