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Ayurveda for Hiccups – Shwas Roga 

Ayurveda for Hiccups – Shwas Roga 

In Ayurveda, hiccups are known as “Hicca” and are believed to be caused by an imbalance in the Vata dosha, which is responsible for the movement of the diaphragm muscle. According to Ayurveda for hiccups principles, hiccups are caused by the accumulation...
Ayurveda for Janu Basti

Ayurveda for Janu Basti

Janu Basti is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves pouring warm medicated oil or herbal decoction over the knee joint and allowing it to penetrate deeply into the tissues. The word “Janu” means knee and “Basti” means a container or retaining...
Ayurveda for Diarrhea- Cause and Remedies

Ayurveda for Diarrhea- Cause and Remedies

Ayurveda for diarrhea is referred to as “atisara”. It is considered a condition in which the digestive fire (agni) becomes weakened, leading to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. This accumulation can cause inflammation in the digestive system...