In this article we will discuss about Ayurvadic fruits according to prakriti. During the characterization of different foods and their usage in various Prakriti Ayurveda follows a general guideline of like increases like. For example, dry dates would increase the Vata because of its dryness however fresh dates would not increase Vata, on the contrary, it has an opposing likeness to that of Vata and thus Vata people can consume it wholeheartedly. A similar concept applies to Pitta and Kapha. Since Pitta is the acidic digesting portion of the body, sour apple may aggravate Pitta, however, sweet apple is quite favored in Pitta people. This way of classifying food according to characteristics and then appropriating them for specific body type provides manageable yet “time-tested” formulas for management of diet.
Ayurvadic Fruits According to Prakriti: Fruits for Vata
Vata people are naturally cold, dry, and rough in characteristics, so they need foods of the opposite qualities. That means more moist, dense, and oily fruits. These fruits counterbalance their Vata characteristics, such as dry skin, bloating, gas, indigestion, anxiety, and insomnia, among others. In taste Vata should avoid fruits that are astringent or overly bitter (like cranberries) and should favor fruits that are sweet and sour (limes, lemons). Some fruits recommended and not-recommended for Vata people are:
Ayurvadic Fruits According to Prakriti: Fruits for Pitta
Pittas are naturally hot, oily, sharp, and pungent in energy so they need fruits that are more cool, juicy, sweet, and dry. It provides a cure to many pitta related problems like acidity, pimples, heartburn, ulcers and plethora of skin diseases. Fruits Pittas should favor fruits that are juicy, sweet, and astringent. They should avoid sour, acidic fruits like citrus, grapefruits. Pittas tend to do well with most fruits due to their strong digestion. Due to their strong digestion, it is mostly recommended that Pitta people should consume fruits that are consumable along with the skin – apples, grapes.
Ayurvadic Fruits According to Prakriti: Fruits for Kapha
Kaphas are naturally dense, heavy, oily, and sweet in energy so they need fruits which are light, dry, bitter, astringent, and pungent. These fruits restore their imbalances, such as lethargy, weight gain, swelling, mucus buildup, and sluggish metabolism. Kapha should have fruits that are light and minimally sweet or sour. Kaphas tend to gain weight easily, and the fruit’s sugar doesn’t help the case for Kapha. Fruits that are sweet like mangoes, bananas should be avoided. Kaphas should choose astringent fruits like cranberries.
What the yogic approach to dietary lifestyle provides are a choice and habit. Cultivating the right habits and choosing right diet according to Prakriti of an individual provides not only a benefit of having a healthy life physically but also a mindfulness-based approach to diet, which cultivates the mind as well. Thus as the saying goes “you are what you eat”, in order to be a yogi, you have to eat like a yogi.