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Yoga Therapy

Therapeutic yoga is an application of yogic activities, principles, and methods to cure various ailments of human beings. Yoga is evidently therapeutic. It is therapeutic in nature. So, for the treatment purpose a concept called “Therapeutic Yoga” has been evolved....

Food and Ayurveda: Dietary Advice According to Body

Ayurveda as a system of medicine advocates a preventative approach to assessing ones’ own health.Thus an Ayurvedic assessment begins with the assessment of Prakriti, the body type of an individual.This means that an Ayurvedic approach to treatment or to the prevention...

Pinda Sweda: Sudation by Bolus

The word Pinda translates into bolus and Sweda translates into sudation. So, the act of sweating out the veiled bodily toxins by using medicinally prepared boluses is known as Pinda Sweda. Pinda Sweda is a type of “Sagni Sweda” where sudation is done by the infusing...