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Agni: The Transformative Fire

Introduction To Agni (Digestive Fire Yoga) Agni literally means fire. It represents a combustible force present inside each and every nook and cranny of the body such that the food may transform itself into bodily tissues and the bodily tissues may intermingle among...

Dhatus: Body Tissues

What Ayurveda described thousands of years ago is equally relevant now. Ayurveda described the body primarily is compiled of seven dhatus (or tissues), where each tissues’ crucial role is governed by the bodily humor (doshas). In an ordinal fashion the dhatus can be...

Prakriti: Body Constitution

When sperm and ovum fuse (as the magic happens) during fertilization one, two or all three of the doshas develops in excess. The surplus dosha is then primarily responsible for guiding your body constitution. Superfluous dosha thus mandates your body type. Thus in...

Dosha: Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurveda and its principles sprout form the roots of doshas (humors). Hardly any of the chapters in three major treatise of Ayurveda – the Charak Samhita, the Susruta Samhita and the Astanga Hridayam – are free from the elaborative touch of doshas. Doshas reiterated...

Vata : A Force for Change

On the recitation of Vata, an Ayurvedic personnel goes a long way in describing it as a prime driving force for all of the actions governed in the body. From driving other doshas to their site of action to driving the body as a whole towards work and/or retreat, It is...

Ayurveda Introduction

Ayurveda Introduction In saying Ayurveda is a science of life is undermining much of the content that the treaties of Ayurveda deals with. Ayurveda being thousands of years old has been placed into various renditions of centuries and reconfiguration of times ;...