by ayurvedahome | Dec 22, 2020 | Fistula
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Fistula In Ano The lifestyle we follow has a great impact on our health. With advancement in machineries and technology, mechanical burden for running life has been reduced in great amount. This has led to more and more sedentary mode of living....
by ayurvedahome | Dec 18, 2020 | Ayurveda
10 Most Popular Therapies in Ayurveda Ayurveda therapies we provide can be broadly categorized into sodhana (purification) and shamana (pacification) therapies.Sodhana treatment includes those therapies which are natural and holistic technique of rejuvenating and...
by ayurvedahome | Dec 14, 2020 | panchakarma
15 FAQ about Panchakarma cleansing therapy In this article, we cover the different questions about Panchakarma cleansing therapy in Ayurveda / Herbal medicinal techniques. It includes 15 questions which people have searched on google mostly. 1. What is Panchakarma?...
by ayurvedahome | Dec 3, 2020 | Health
Prevention of coronavirus In Ayurvedic Ways In Charaka Samhita, worldwide epidemics are called as Janapadodhwamsa Vyadhi. During this period, the Acharya focuses on staying indoors, following dinacharya (daily regimen), and maintaining our Agni (metabolic fire) to the...
by ayurvedahome | Oct 4, 2020 | Ayurveda
15 FAQs of Ayurveda 1. What is Ayurveda Practice? Ayurveda is a composite word formed by two Sanskrit terms “Ayus” meaning life and “Veda” meaning knowledge. So in a literal sense Ayurveda Practice simply implies ‘knowledge of life’. It is an ancient medical practice...