by ayurvedahome | Sep 23, 2020 | Ayurveda
Kashaya Dhara Kashaya Dhara is a unique sedation therapy practiced in Ayurveda. ‘Kashaya’ implies for decoction and Dhara implies for pouring. So in literal sense Kashaya Dhara means pouring of decoction over the body surface. When the decoction is poured over...
by ayurvedahome | Aug 26, 2020 | Ayurveda
Mukha Lepam Ayurveda is the holistic practice of medicine that aims for overall health. Skin care too, has been looked upon with prime focus in Ayurveda. Enhanced natural glow of the skin has been considered as one of the signs of health in Ayurveda. Among the various...
by ayurvedahome | Aug 24, 2020 | Ayurveda
List of 10 diseases where Ayurveda works better than modern medicine(Allopathy) Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal practice that dates back to thousands of years. Many believe that the mighty sage Patanjali made the notion of Ayurveda popular. In this age of...
by ayurvedahome | Aug 23, 2020 | Ayurveda
Hydrotherapy – Introduction Hydrotherapy (also known as hydropathy) is an alternative part of naturopathy medicine that involves the use of water for treatment. It is the use of water, both internally and externally at different temperatures for health purposes...
by ayurvedahome | Aug 18, 2020 | Ayurveda
Spine – A general introduction Ayurveda is an ancient medical practice prevailing nearly for three thousand years. Since the dawn of Ayurveda, it has been evolving with generation of different concepts and therapies useful for curing diseases and sustaining health....