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Ayurveda for Infertility

Ayurveda for Infertility

Introduction- Ayurveda for infertility This article on Ayurveda for infertility covers, what is infertility, the concept of sexual health in Ayurveda, concept on sperm &  ovum, cause and management of infertility.  Infertility generally means the...
Kati Vasti: An Ayurvedic approach on lower back pain

Kati Vasti: An Ayurvedic approach on lower back pain

Ayurveda medicine practice has been prevailing for thousands of years. During the course of its evolution, it has been enriched with diverse herbal medicine formulae and therapies. Among the various types of therapies, Kati Vasti is amongst the widely applied therapy...
7 Most Popular Alternative Medicine

7 Most Popular Alternative Medicine

  7 Most Popular Alternative Medicine Health has been a common theme in most cultures since a long period of time. Various concepts and methods came into existence that described how to attain and maintain health. Such diverse medical and health care practices...
Ayurveda to balance digestive fire

Ayurveda to balance digestive fire

Introduction Ayurveda believes in multiple factors present in our body to maintain health and run our life smoothly. The definition of health according to Ayurveda is as follows – “The balanced state of bodily humors (doshas), digestive fire (agni), body tissues...
Daily Ayurvedic Eye Care

Daily Ayurvedic Eye Care

Overview Eye has been considered superior amongst the sense organs by Ayurveda. You believe in what you see, rather than anything that you hear or taste or feel or smell. Eye has been regarded as the best tool to acquire knowledge. In this article we  suggest you...